Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rave Review

So all my sewing and slaving and nearly killing myself in preparation for Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey (last weekends rave, which I will now review... get it?) has at least partially paid off. Although the timing was really terrible due to my horrible back pain, my weekend in Toronto was a ton of fun. I have the unfortunate situation of living in a different city than all of my best friends. They live in Toronto (ew) and I live in Montreal. So this weekend gave me a chance to visit all of them, even though it became pretty rushed in order to accomadate everyone. Every time I go to Toronto it's like speed-dating, but with people I already know and slightly less desperate. But only slightly. So the big event was on Saturday night, my friend nad long time rave-mate George (aka: Flyboy) and his fiancee/partner in crime Lolita head up the company Daydream Productions, who were throwing Saturday's rave. It was time-machine themed, and also apparently some sort of Doctor Who allusion, which went completely over my head. For my own outfit, I decided to go for a cyber-goth inspired space-raver outfit. They sell these stupidly soft "car wash mitts" (that I've re-named "ecstacy gloves") at the dollar store and I bought 4 lime green ones hoping to incorporate them into an outfit. This is definitely the most creative I've gotten with non-material supplies and I wound up using the ecstacy gloves, cat collars, reflective tape, a dog leash, plastic tubes, and a glow in the dark rope. I'm pretty damn impressed by my resourcefulness, and also my awesomeness. Below is the final creation:

The night of the rave I was pretty back-sore, but I went with an mazing crew of friends, managed to sell more of my stuff than I did at Dino Circus (rave I vended at in September) and had an awesome time. I even got to dance to my most favouritest Happy Hardcore song "Children of the Night". By all accounts a win.

Now this week I'm trying to take a real break from destroying my back and recover a little bit. Also, how much does that oufit make me look like a clean-cut Tank Girl? BAM!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Okay here's why I'm hilarious: I have a back-log of things to write about because I've been so horrendously neglectful with my blog writing. But also I'm going to log an account of what's been happening with my back! Get it? Seriously people, this is comedic gold.

Anyhoo, other than this past week where I've been curled up in bed waiting to die due to severe, mind-numbing back pain, the Kendall Made business has been taking some awesome steps. I have been adding more and more items to my Etsy, to the point where it's actually starting to look like a respectable shop... the kind that has stuff in it, and not just an awesome logo.

Speaking of awesome logo, I updated my logo on this page to the wicked one that Sean (my gay boyfriend) designed for my business cards. I think it is a wicked improvement and completely perfect for Kendall Made.

I've also done a few photoshoots with my awesome raver friends, who are not only hot, but also embody all that Kendall Made represents. I would some day like to get professional models and professional photographers so I can have a few really glossy images to send out as a press release. But for the time being, these shoots are wicked fun (and silly and ridiculous) and teh pictures are definitely good enough for Etsy. I have a lot of friends and followers in other cities, so it's really nice to have put pictures of everything I'm making online for them to see.

Now back to my back. I've always had a shitty, evil, horrible back and shoulder combination, and sewing definitely aggrivates it. But these last 8 months have been much more intensely painful on my back than any time prior. And this past month has been the most gruelling yet. After a few days of not getting out of bed and crying into my pillow, Matt finally convinced me that this isn't the type of thing I should be living with and that I need to see a doctor. I went to my not so great local clinic looking for better pain medication (I've been eating naproxen like it's candy with little affect) and a referral. I got a referral (woo) and a prescription for stronger naproxen, which is proving to be as inaffective as the bucket of condoms my highschool left in the hallway every week. That joke is only funny if you're aware of how high the teen pregnancy rate is in Gravenhurst. Anyway, I go to an Osteopath tomorrow, I'm trying to get an appointment with a physiotherapist, and I'm seeing an acupuncturist on Tuesday. Did I mention that my day job has a health care plan? Hopefully one or all of these things will help improve the situation, because as things stand right now I have to take a hiatus from sewing, and I have about 4 shelves full of fabric that strongly diasagree with that decision.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I'm a bad blogger

Dear Internet,

It's been too long, I know. Life got busier and my letters became scarecer, and pretty soon I stopped writing all together. Maybe ti's because I was so busy making clothes, maybe I was busy with all the changes in my personal life, maybe I was busy fighting ninjas. Whatever the reason, I'm sorry for my neglect.

Perhaps I can begin to make ammends with a few pictures of all the kick-ass stuff I've been making.

Hand and Leg Fluffies by Kendall Made
Phat Pants by Kendall Made

Reversible Tie-Skirt by Kendall Made
Reversible rainbow/white Bear Hood/Scarf with pocket mittens and gloves by Kendall Made

"Spot" Superhero Costume by Kendall Made
Stuffed Unicorn Head by Kendall Made

I'll write again soon, I promise.